Masayoshi Tachihara, a high school student, tries to commit suicide due to the relentless bullying he faces at school. However, by a stroke of fate, he survives, and a mysterious door to another world appears in the ceiling of his room. Deciding he has nothing to lose, he jumps through the strange door and finds himself in a house that once belonged to a great mage in another world. Upon reading a letter left by the mage, an inheritance spell automatically activates. Despite enduring immense pain, Masayoshi inherits all of the mage's powers, skills, and physical strength. Now able to freely travel between the two worlds, Masayoshi, armed with the great mage’s overwhelming power, dominates both the otherworld and Japan with his newfound might.
Masayoshi Tachihara, a high school student, tries to commit suicide due to the relentless bullying he faces at school. However, by a stroke of fate, he survives, and a mysterious door to another world appears in the ceiling of his room. Deciding he has nothing to lose, he jumps through the strange door and finds himself in a house that once belonged to a great mage in another world. Upon reading a letter left by the mage, an inheritance spell automatically activates. Despite enduring immense pain, Masayoshi inherits all of the mage's powers, skills, and physical strength. Now able to freely travel between the two worlds, Masayoshi, armed with the great mage’s overwhelming power, dominates both the otherworld and Japan with his newfound might.