Regression: I Alone Possess Infinite Traits-Chapter 6

Under Suspicion 2

Eastern Word Smith/Regression: I Alone Possess Infinite Traits/Chapter 6

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After starting to speak, Sungshik briefly glanced around and then continued with a sly smile.

“I fully understand your suspicions. If I were in your position, I would probably think the same thing.”

Speaking in a calm tone, Sungshik proceeded to articulate his thoughts with composure.

“However, I can confidently and without shame say this: The score I received on the recent exam was not achieved through cheating, as many have speculated.”

“So, are you saying that the score you received reflects your actual ability?”

As soon as Sungshik finished speaking, a girl sitting among the verification panel asked him directly.

“Yes, that’s correct.”

“But you do realize that the drastic difference between this score and your previous performance makes it hard for us to believe you, right?”

“Of course, and that’s precisely why I said I understand your suspicions.”

“Uh... okay, then…”

Hearing Sungshik’s calm acknowledgment of their doubts, the girl on the verification panel momentarily felt as though they might be unjustly accusing someone who had legitimately achieved such a score.

“Can you take full responsibility for those words?”

When the girl stammered, a boy with sharp eyes and glasses sitting next to her sharply interjected.

“Of course. That’s exactly why I came here.”

Sungshik finished speaking with a bright smile, prompting a soft murmur of admiration from the female spectators. Watching the audience's reaction, the bespectacled boy furrowed his brow and continued.

“Anyone can claim they’ll take responsibility. What we want to know is whether you can prove your words here and now.”

“Exactly. Talk is cheap. Prove it.”

Despite the sharp words and agreement from various corners of the audience, Sungshik maintained his composure and replied calmly.

“Of course, I came here to prove myself. Otherwise, this hearing would be meaningless.”

After glancing at the clock on the wall of the hearing room, Sungshik added:

“So many people have come to this hearing today. Honestly, I’ve given this a lot of thought. I can prove my claims at any time, but I didn’t expect so many attendees. Initially, I thought I’d take as many questions as possible to foster the atmosphere of a hearing, but I’ve changed my mind.”

“I skipped lunch earlier and now I’m feeling hungry. Haha. Judging by the atmosphere, it seems that most of you would be satisfied if I simply demonstrated the reason behind my improved performance. So, I’ll prove it to you swiftly. Chairman?”

As Sungshik quickly shifted gears, he looked at the chairman.

“Yes, Sungshik. Go ahead.”

“I’ve invited someone who can help verify my claims. May I bring them in?”

“Yes, you have my permission.”

With the chairman’s approval, murmurs erupted among the spectators.

“Why is he bringing in a third party to prove his score?”

“What if he coached the person beforehand and it’s all staged?”

“Let’s wait and see. He must have some plan.”

As the atmosphere grew unsettled, Sungshik raised his voice.

“Truth Seeker, Mr. Yun, please come forward!”

The Truth Seeker, Yun Gardes.

A man of Pakistani descent, he rose to international fame after acquiring the Trait known as the “Light of Truth.” His trait allowed him to discern the truth of any object or phenomenon. This included the ability to determine the veracity of spoken language.

Yun’s work using his ability extended to various subjects, including ordinary people and prominent political figures. He exposed corruption and deceit, toppling political regimes in multiple countries. People cheered as he uncovered and removed corrupt politicians and power brokers, earning him the nickname “The Purifier.”

Now, this global superstar had appeared at the Korean Academy’s hearing.

Community Forum

Title: Wow, is anyone watching the hearing right now?

Content: They’re holding the Sungshik hearing, and the Truth Seeker just showed up!

[Really? No way.] └ It’s true. Turn on the hearing broadcast.

[Whoa, it’s real. The Truth Seeker is actually there. Incredible. LOL.] [OMG, turning on the TV right now.]

His unexpected appearance caused a stir not only within the hearing but also among viewers following the live broadcast. The surprise of his presence was undeniable.

“Hello, I’m Yun Gardes, also known by the title ‘Truth Seeker.’”

The tall, middle-aged man with striking, dark eyes and bronze skin stepped forward and sat in the witness chair.

“Wow, you’ve brought in an incredible guest. Welcome, Truth Seeker. It’s an honor to have you here.”

The astonishment was evident on the chairman’s face. He had not been informed in advance of Yun Gardes’ attendance, making his reaction all the more genuine.

“So... does this mean all our prepared questions are pointless now?”

“Seems like it. It’s probably true that he earned that perfect score legitimately.”

The verification panel was visibly shaken by Yun’s presence. And for good reason—his Trait, the “Light of Truth,” could reveal the truth without the need for further debate.

Their confusion and disbelief deepened.

“This can’t be real. He must be absolutely confident if he brought him here.”

“Last semester, he ranked 567th out of 997 second-years. And now he scored a perfect score in just half a semester? How is that possible?”

Originally, the verification panel was already convinced that Sungshik had cheated on the exam. Logically speaking, it didn’t make sense for a student who had consistently been below average during his first year and even the first half of his second year to suddenly achieve a perfect score. After all, the theoretical studies taught at the Superhuman Academy were no easy feat.

“Ha… I don’t even know anymore. Let’s just see how this turns out.”

In front of Yun Gardes, who had been brought by Sungshik, the verification panel could only wait to see the outcome.

Amidst the chaotic atmosphere, the chairman of the hearing gathered himself and spoke up.

“Alright, let us proceed with the hearing. Like all of you, I am also quite flustered right now. However, it is an honor to witness the ‘Light of Truth’ of Mr. Yun Gardes, whom we’ve only heard about in stories.”

“Wow, I’m so glad I came today. Witnessing this firsthand is amazing.”

“Also, if it turns out that Huh Sungshik didn’t cheat, I’m curious to see how the verification panel reacts. They’ve already stirred public opinion by claiming he cheated.”

“Right? They’ll have to bow their heads and apologize. Some of them were acting all high and mighty just because they’re on the student council.”

As Yun Gardes stepped forward to begin the verification process, the hearing room buzzed with excitement. It was a mixture of anticipation for the twist that Sungshik might reveal and the opportunity to see the legendary Yun Gardes use his ability in person.

‘This feeling of exhilaration… It’s been a while,’

thought Sungshik, savoring the atmosphere. The flustered expressions of the verification panel alone gave him a thrill. While he had kept his composure, the constant accusations against him had secretly been getting on his nerves.

“Then, Mr. Sungshik, please step forward as well.”

Sungshik walked to the center, drawing everyone’s attention. Standing before Yun Gardes, who was a head taller than him, he exuded an almost serene atmosphere despite the heightened tension in the room.

“What truth do you wish to prove?”

Yun Gardes’s voice came through a translation artifact hanging around his neck.

“I wish to prove that I did not engage in any form of cheating during this exam.”

“Whether your words are true will be revealed through the Light of Truth.”

With that, Yun Gardes placed his right hand over his heart and extended his left hand toward Sungshik.


A brilliant, pure white light burst forth from Yun Gardes’s hand.

“Ohhh, this is the Light of Truth!”

“Ah, I feel purified. It’s like a holy presence!”


The audience erupted in awe and admiration as the dazzling light filled the hearing room.

Moments later, the white light transformed into a radiant golden hue, enveloping Sungshik’s entire body. The live-streamed community, SASU, also lit up with explosive reactions.

[Whoa, it turned golden!] [Amazing! He really got a perfect score without cheating.] [LOL, this is insane. Are we witnessing the birth of a genius of the century?] [So, how’s the verification panel going to apologize now? They completely framed him from the start.]


Sungshik let out a short exclamation as he looked at the golden light surrounding him. Having lived through both his past and current lives, it was his first time directly experiencing the Light of Truth.

‘Well then…’

Sungshik smirked and turned to face the hearing room.

“Chairman? Please continue the hearing.”

“Ah… yes, yes. Ahem, let’s proceed with the hearing.”

The chairman, who had been staring blankly at Sungshik, hastily composed himself and continued speaking.

[Look at the chairman’s face. LOL, he’s completely dazed.] [The chairman’s really out of it today. LOL]

The viewers of the live broadcast laughed at the chairman’s flustered demeanor.

“Now then, the Light of Truth has confirmed that Mr. Sungshik did not engage in cheating. Does the verification panel have any further questions?”

“If he didn’t cheat, then how? How on earth could he improve his scores that drastically?”

One boy on the verification panel, who had been silent until now, gritted his teeth and asked. The name tag on his chest read, ‘Park Ji-sang.’

He was the student who had ranked first in the previous exam. Having suddenly been dethroned by Sungshik and relegated to second place, Ji-sang felt as though his rightful position had been stolen. Thus, he had been one of the leading figures in framing Sungshik as a cheater.

“I can’t accept this. How could someone like you, who was below average last time, score a perfect mark?”

On the surface, Ji-sang’s question seemed reasonable. Logically speaking, Sungshik’s scores were suspicious enough to warrant doubts.

[Yeah, that’s true. If it wasn’t cheating, how did he get a perfect score?] [Especially since I heard this exam was tough… It’s only natural to suspect something.] [By the way, is it okay to use informal speech in a hearing? LOL, seems a bit over the line.] [Foolish mortals. To doubt even after witnessing the Light of Truth… Are they all eager to fall into hell after death?] └[Haha, this life already feels like hell.]

The viewers also seemed to align with Ji-sang’s sentiment, creating an atmosphere of lingering doubt. Knowing this, Ji-sang clung to his argument, refusing to back down even after the Light of Truth had settled the matter.


Sungshik hummed softly at Ji-sang’s remark, drawing everyone’s attention to his next words.

“I understand why you’d ask that. I’d probably think the same way if I were in your shoes.”

After glancing around the room, Sungshik curved his lips into a faint smile and asked, “Are you all curious about how I got a perfect score?”