That turtle, the strongest on earth-Chapter 3


Eastern Word Smith/That turtle, the strongest on earth/Chapter 3

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"Hmm, no matter how many times I see it, I still can't believe it. To think this is the same Ivy…"

We had left the village about two weeks ago and had now arrived at Nasfa, the capital of the kingdom.

It was partly to make full use of Jennifer's connections in the capital.

We had met with Jennifer, registered Ivy as a familiar at the guild, and were now visiting his home.


Ivy, now shrunken down to the size she was when I first scooped her, sat perched on my shoulder.

Satisfied with being able to ride on my shoulder, she let out a contented cry.

Her determination to sit on my shoulder was quite intense, and before I even knew it, Ivy had learned how to shrink herself.

Her size could be adjusted quite freely—she could become as big as a large dog or slightly smaller than her original size.

I had decided to call this ability of hers "Shrink."

It seemed that staying small for long periods tired her out, but she could maintain it for a few weeks without issue.

Considering what might happen if we entered the royal capital at her original size, this ability was truly a blessing.

The first time we went to a nearby town to register her as a familiar, it caused absolute chaos…

"By the way, Bruno, have you decided where you'll be working as an adventurer?"

"Well… I've narrowed down a few options, but that's about it."

Becoming an adventurer should ensure that Ivy wouldn't be captured.

I chose this profession with that thought in mind, but I didn't have any concrete plans beyond that.

I had selected a few potential places where Ivy and I could operate without facing much danger.

As for the actual work… I'd like to do something where we could help people together.

"You have two choices at the moment. The first is to become an adventurer in the royal capital. Since Ivy can shrink, you should be able to enter dungeons, and you should have no trouble handling various requests. I'm not sure how strong Ivy is now… but I assume she's stronger than when she fought us?"

"Yes, I think so."

Ivy has continued to grow bigger, that much is certain. But as for her strength… I'm still not entirely sure.

We don't have many chances to fight in the village, and since she could already take down wild boars, I don't know how much stronger she has become since then.

But now she can breathe lightning from her mouth, create barriers, heal wounds, and even hear my voice from far away.

So, I think she's gotten much stronger in many ways.

However, we won't know for sure until we start working as adventurers.

"However, staying in the capital for too long could pose problems. There are many people here with sharp eyes and ears. There's a risk that Ivy could be targeted, or you might be attacked indirectly, Bruno."

Ivy is a very rare turtle-type monster.

Her species is now officially known as the Gigant Ivy Turtle, but there have been no other sightings of her kind.

Even after extensive research, it seems there are no others like her in this kingdom or any neighboring countries we have diplomatic relations with.

A rare monster like Ivy, owned by an ordinary adventurer like me… Some people might get the idea to kill me and steal her.

"That's why the second option might be better—to move to a town outside the capital under the protection of a well-known noble. If you're recognized by a noble and placed under their protection, you and Ivy will be much safer."

This second option was already close to what I had in mind.

I wanted to go to a peaceful town somewhere remote, live under someone's protection, and ensure that Ivy and I could live in peace.

Since it tires Ivy to stay shrunken for long periods, I wanted to rent a cheap plot of land where she could rest in her original size.

I'd heard about a few places, but I had never actually traveled far before.

So, I told Jennifer about the towns I had in mind.

After listening to me, Jennifer pondered for a while before saying:

"In that case… Akoup would be the best choice. It's a beautiful land where the Marquis of Endlord has his main residence. There's a forest to the west where monsters appear, so you won't lack for work as an adventurer. The town's security is a bit shaky, but with you and Ivy, I think you'll manage."

Akoup is quite far from the capital.

It was actually one of the towns lower on my list.

It would take more than half a month by carriage, and I didn't have enough savings to cover all the carriage and food costs for that long.

"Oh, but the marquis of that region is quite an amusing fellow. Maybe it's his pioneer spirit, but he loves new things and values merit above all else. If Ivy wins his favor, I'm sure many of your problems will be resolved."

When I confessed that I didn't have much money, Jennifer offered:

"I'll lend you my carriage and a driver."

"…How can I repay you?"

I nervously asked, and Jennifer replied that he would like to take a small sample from Ivy's shell.

"Ivy, is that alright?"


Reluctantly, Ivy gave her consent, as if to say, "I guess I have no choice."

I was always causing her trouble.

I had to do my best to ensure that Ivy could live comfortably from now on.

With renewed determination, I asked Jennifer to arrange the carriage for us.

And so, it was decided that Ivy and I would begin our adventuring life in the town of Akoup.