That turtle, the strongest on earth-Chapter 22

Special Request

Eastern Word Smith/That turtle, the strongest on earth/Chapter 22

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“So… Ivy somehow managed to tame a griffon?”

“…Yes. And, well, through a series of events, it also became my familiar.”

“What do you mean by ‘a series of events’?”

Even if you ask me that... it really was just a series of events. Before I knew it, it had already happened, without me doing much of anything.

“For now, I’ve told it to wait around the outskirts of Akoup.”

“You… make sure you give that griffon clear instructions. There’s a full-on panic right now because it’s clawing at the city walls!”

…Maybe I should’ve explained things more thoroughly.

Griffons don’t think like humans. Telling it to just ‘wait’ might not have conveyed the same meaning to it.

I should’ve said something like, ‘Wait out of sight, where no one can see you.’

I’ve gotten used to Ivy, so I don’t really know the proper way a normal familiar tamer would handle things. Maybe I should talk to an experienced tamer for advice.

“Well, that’s something you can deal with later. But do you realize how big of a deal this is? Moving a griffon is one thing, but this isn’t something that’ll just blow over.”

…Of course.

Taming a griffon is one thing, but having Ivy as my familiar is a whole different kind of problematic.

Ivy is small enough to pass as a pet and stay with me in an inn, but a griffon is enormous and instantly recognizable.

And on top of that, I showed up riding it. To everyone else, I must look like a bona fide Griffon Rider.

In reality, I’m just a rookie adventurer, barely scraping by with this griffon by sheer luck.

“Do you know the last time a Griffon Rider showed up? Two hundred years ago.”

“T-Two hundred years…”

“Taming a griffon is the stuff of legends and fairy tales. You’re no longer just some translator for Ivy—you’re going to have to step up.”

“I… I kind of figured that might happen…”

Ivy pushed me into this, after all.

I’m sure she has her reasons.

Maybe she wants to give me some kind of credibility. If all I do is translate for her, someone more competent might eventually take my place.

Perhaps she’s trying to protect against that.

But still, this feels like too much responsibility for me.

I’m just someone who could easily lose in a duel against a kid with decent sword skills.

But if Ivy is going this far to get me involved, it must mean she believes in me and wants me to push myself.

If that’s the case, I have no choice but to move forward.

Standing still isn’t staying the same—it’s falling behind.

“What do you think will happen to me from here on out?”

“‘The Greatest Familiar Tamer in History, Who Tamed a First-Rank Griffon.’ ‘The New Griffon Rider Born in Akoup.’ ‘Akoup’s Strongest Adventurer, Master of the Griffon.’ Which do you prefer?”

“…None of those, honestly. Can’t I just be a fourth-rank adventurer napping with a turtle?”

When we came to Akoup, it was supposed to be for a quiet life.

But instead, I became an adventurer, fought André, tamed a griffon… Things keep spiraling further away from ‘normal.’

Once we deal with the griffon relocation request, I’d like to take it easy for a while.

I’d love to spend a lazy day basking in the sun with Ivy—and maybe the griffon too.

…But that’s not going to happen anytime soon, is it?

“Well, given everything, living as an ordinary adventurer is probably out of the question now. Maybe you should aim to hit it big once in a while and live a relaxed life otherwise. That said… there’s already someone coming to meet you.”

There are only two people André ever refers to as that guy.

One is Jennifer, who taught me so much and looked after me.

The other is...

“Mii!” Ivy’s chirp interrupted my thoughts. Something’s coming.

I braced myself, and moments later, I heard a tapping sound on the window of the reception room.

Outside the glass was a large owl, staring straight at us.

André let out a low chuckle.

“That guy’s always quick with information. Looks like they’re already here.”

André opened the window, and the owl flew in, a small note tied to its leg.

It was a letter delivered via bird—a method I’d heard was used for emergencies.

André read the letter, nodding thoughtfully as he went.

As I suspected, it’s from that person.

After reading, André tucked the note into his pocket, then slumped back on the sofa, looking exhausted.

“Why is that guy always in such a rush…? Anyway, Bruno, Ivy—you’re third-rank adventurers as of today, by the authority of the lord himself.”

It’s only our second day as adventurers, and we’re already moving up at a breakneck pace.

At third rank, we gain access to special types of requests: designated requests and mandatory requests.

Designated requests are assignments made directly to a specific individual through the guild, with a fee paid by the requester.

Mandatory requests, issued in emergencies like wars or disasters, cannot be refused by adventurers of third rank or higher.

Mandatory requests are rare because adventurers would flee to other countries if forced, but…

Third rank already? I’m so tired of being surprised.

I exchanged a glance with Ivy. Both of us seemed to think the same: life’s been too hectic lately.

But then André dropped a bombshell.

“You’ve already got your first designated request. You’re to escort Ekaterina, the third daughter of Marquis Endlord. The lord personally requested ‘the new Griffon Rider of Akoup’ to guard his daughter. Damn, that guy works fast…”