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“Oh, I see... Your mother collapsed from overwork.”
“Yes… I really want to become an adventurer to earn more money, but my mother won’t allow it…”
After buying 10 flowers for a copper coin each, I sat down on a bench by the roadside to chat with the fox beastkin girl. Listening to her story, I learned that her father passed away from illness several years ago, leaving her mother to raise her alone. Recently, however, her mother collapsed from exhaustion.
Hoping to help her mother, the girl wanted to become an adventurer to earn money, but her mother refused to let her. Given her young age—she looks around 10 years old—and the inherent dangers of being an adventurer, her mother’s reluctance is understandable.
...I’ve always been a sucker for sob stories like this. There’s no way I can hear something like this and not act; it would ruin my appetite for days! A classic happy ending where everyone is smiling—that’s what I want.
“How many flowers do you usually sell in a day?”
“About 10 on a good day. That’s why I was so happy when you bought 10 just now!”
The fox girl beamed at me with a radiant smile.
“Hey, how about this? Would you like to work at my shop selling goods? It just opened yesterday, and I’m actually on my way to the Adventurers’ Guild to hire some help. You’d work from midday to evening, and I’d pay you 5 silver coins. What do you think?”
“Really?! Yes, please!”
Whoa! She’s super eager!
“The job involves assisting customers. Since you’ve been selling flowers, I assume you can handle basic math?”
“Yes! This city offers free lessons for anyone, and I’ve attended those. I can do simple calculations.”
Impressive—this beginner-friendly city even provides free courses on math and literacy.
“Great. My name’s Tetsuya. Nice to meet you!”
“I’m Fia! It’s nice to meet you, Tetsuya-oniichan!”
“Oh, so your father was human?”
“Yes! My mom’s a fox beastkin, and she said my dad was really persistent in pursuing her!”
“I see…”
Since Fia agreed to help at my shop, I didn’t need to go to the Adventurers’ Guild anymore. With some extra time to spare, we headed to the market for lunch.
As we chatted, Fia mentioned that she’s a half-human, half-beastkin. In this world, hybrids often take on the dominant traits of one parent’s race. In Fia’s case, she inherited more from her mother.
“What kind of things does your shop sell, Tetsuya-oniichan?”
Te-tsu-ya-o-ni-i-chan. What a wonderful sound. In my previous world, no one ever called me “oniichan.” Is there a man alive who wouldn’t be thrilled to be called that by a cute fox-eared girl? I think not!
“Oh, sorry, I spaced out for a second. My shop sells camping gear—tools for beginner adventurers. Customers might have questions, so I’ll explain the products to you later.”
Phew. That was close. Fia is just too adorable; I almost reached out to pet her fluffy, brown tail. That would definitely be inappropriate. Still… someday, I hope to experience the fluffiness of that magnificent tail.
Afterward, we stopped by a food stall and grabbed some bread and skewers for lunch. Fia seemed hesitant at first, but since the food wasn’t expensive and lunch isn’t deducted from her pay, I treated her. Her wide, happy smile as she enjoyed her meal was totally worth it.
“Oh, they’re already here? Customers this early?!”
After lunch, we returned to the same stall spot as yesterday, and to my surprise, 4–5 customers were already waiting. Even though we arrived earlier than yesterday, it seems they’d been waiting even longer.
The stall location can be reserved long-term if you rent it continuously. Since yesterday went smoothly, I extended the rental for three more days.
“Sorry to keep you waiting. I’ll get everything set up right away!”
“No rush, mate. I came early today because I missed out on the fire starter yesterday.”
“Thank you! I’ve prepared three sets again for today’s early customers.”
The man at the front of the line was the same one who narrowly missed out on buying a fire starter yesterday. I’m grateful he came back.
“I heard about this place from Lilia. You’re Tetsuya, right?”
“Yeah, same here. I heard you sell some magical tool that helps you never get lost for just 2 silver coins.”
“Ah, Lilia referred you? Thanks for coming! You’re talking about the compass. I have them ready for today as well!”
It seems Lilia’s recommendations are bringing in more customers. That’s incredibly helpful.
“Thank you all for waiting! Tetsuya’s Outdoor Shop is now open for Day 2!”