The Sword Saint Reincarnated as a Shota Prince Absolutely Refuses to Let His Former Disciple Find Out!-Chapter 18

The Sword Saint Who Can Only Wield a Dagger (End of Arc 2)

Eastern Word Smith/The Sword Saint Reincarnated as a Shota Prince Absolutely Refuses to Let His Former Disciple Find Out!/Chapter 18

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Should I go with a longsword, a shortsword, or perhaps something larger to push my limits? I try picking them up, but none of them feel quite right.

This isn’t good. At this rate, class time will end before I decide. I’m starting to panic.

Ugh, not this, not that.

Lili is glaring at me. Damn, what’s with that look? I’m your mentor, you know.

Completely ignoring my growing frustration, Miku grins mischievously and spreads her arms dramatically.

“Come now, dive right into big sister’s bosom!”

“Don’t interfere. I don’t recall having a sister like you. Also, I’ve been meaning to say this: if you’re a maiden before marriage, at least call it your chest.”

“Oh wow, you noticed? That makes me so haaappy, you pervert!”

“Stop being needlessly positive!”

No, I don’t have time to deal with Miku right now. Lili’s gaze is painful.

As for me—

Ideally, I’d like to pick a greatsword, like a claymore or a two-handed sword, but unfortunately, Eremi’s strength makes it impossible to even lift one. Back when I was Blythe, I could not only block but deflect and counter heavy blows from enemies. But now, that’s no longer an option.

I’ll need to change my fighting style—...

It’s pathetic, but the only weapons I can swing around freely are short swords, rapiers, or at most, a gladius—a thicker dagger. Forget blocking an enemy’s strike; I’d have trouble even deflecting one.

If I could wield an Eastern katana, that would be ideal, but even that is out of reach. I’m too short. The blade would drag on the ground, ruining its edge.

I have no choice.

“A gladius and a stiletto.”

Both are daggers, though the gladius is closer in length to a short sword. However, because of this, wielding one in each hand simultaneously seems difficult.

I’ll use them carefully with both hands. The gladius for slashing and the stiletto for piercing through armor. The effective range is quite limited, but it’s better than being burdened by a heavy weapon.

When I glance back at Lili, she has already returned to her instructor persona.

“Everyone’s chosen, I see. That’s it for today’s class. Starting tomorrow, we’ll begin practical training with the full curriculum. For now, go back and get some rest.”

“Instructor Ituka, may I ask about the curriculum’s content?”

A male voice calls out. Reflexively, I look over to see a short black-haired boy who had chosen a katana raising his hand. All eyes turn to Lili.

“You’re the exchange student, Ryoka Oujin, correct?”

“Yes, that’s correct.”

Lili asks curiously, “Correct?”

“I’m honored that the renowned Sword Saint-class instructor Lili Ituka remembers my name.”

Lili’s expression shifts subtly.

“It’s not such a big deal. At the very least, I’m nowhere near the skill level of Sword Saint Blythe. Oh, but back to your question.”

Miku mentioned that dungeon exploration would be part of the curriculum, but we haven’t heard it confirmed from the instructor yet.

Lili shakes her head.

“We’ve been instructed by the director to keep the curriculum under wraps until the day it begins. I’m sorry, but I can’t tell you. Look forward to tomorrow.”

The director? There’s someone like that?

The guidelines mentioned that this year began without a headmaster, but is that because there’s a director instead? If so, they must be someone highly trusted and holding an important military position, likely retired due to age.

Miku tilts her head at my questioning glance.


I considered whether it could be Lord Mardo Orunkaim. Does Miku not know, or is she just playing dumb? She’s always joking around, making her expressions hard to read.

The boy with the katana nods at Lili’s response.

“I see.”

He’s so small. He’s taller than my ten-year-old self, but still, he looks tiny compared to other boys his age. As an exchange student, he must be from the Eastern continent.

Suddenly, Miku pokes me in the side.


A surprised yelp escapes me, drawing everyone’s attention.

“It’s nothing. Go ahead, Lili.”

“Instructor Ituka.”

“Ah, right. Go ahead, Instructor Ituka.”

Lili resumes her explanation.

“By tomorrow, form provisional parties of four. There are twenty students in this class, so there will be five groups. Also, let me give you some advice—this is not a rule, but a suggestion: girls, try not to form parties of four exclusively among yourselves, as your physical strength might put you at a disadvantage.”

At Lehan Knight School, girls make up only twenty percent of the student body. With only four in a class of twenty, if they grouped together, they’d clearly form a weaker party.

It’s only natural. Whether the students understand that is another matter.

“That’s it for today’s class.”

As Lili concludes the session, I glare up at Miku, who had poked my side.


“...That boy, Ryoka Oujin, seems... suspicious, doesn’t he? Hey, El-tan, have you heard? There’s a rumor that foreign spies have infiltrated Lehan Knight School...”

First I’ve heard of it.

But the idea isn’t entirely implausible. Lehan Knight School is a royal institution. Graduating guarantees a spot in the Kingdom’s Knight Order. Naturally, it has close ties to the Order, and most of the instructors are full knights. Even someone like Lawrence is one of them.


I tilt my chin toward Miku and tell her, “If he were a spy, he wouldn’t have such an obviously Eastern-looking face. You, who somehow knew about the unpublished curriculum, are more suspicious.”

“Oh, I guess you’re right. Haha!”

Miku scratches her head with a sheepish laugh.
