Hello guys,
We are transitioning to a new ad provider to improve revenue and control. During this process, you may encounter some issues. Please inform us immediately if you experience any problems.
As always, please continue to support us. You can show your support in the following ways:
Three days had passed since the outdoor shop leveled up and began selling new products. I’d managed to save enough to cover two months of rent for a proper storefront and hire some staff. Starting tomorrow, I planned to stop renting the stall and temporarily close the shop.
“So, you’ll be closing the shop for a while starting tomorrow?”
“Yes, but we’ll announce our reopening on the adventurer’s guild bulletin board. Please stop by again when we’re back!”
“Got it. I’ll visit the new shop when it’s ready.”
“Thank you so much!”
Fia and I waved goodbye to a young male adventurer. For the past few days, we’d been informing customers that the shop would be closed temporarily. We also placed a notice on the stall for passersby.
When the new shop opens, we plan to post about it on the paid bulletin boards at the adventurer’s and merchant guilds. Promoting the name of our unique outdoor shop in this town is essential to drawing in customers.
“Fia, will you be okay during the break?”
“Yeah! Mom went back to work, and she said we’re fine financially now, thanks to you, Tetsuya. I’ll be attending a study group to practice reading and writing!”
“That’s great to hear. Once we finalize the shop’s location, I’ll let your family know. I’d really appreciate your help with the preparations.”
“Of course! I’ll do my best!”
Rea’s health had recovered, and she recently returned to her previous job. Fia shared this news with a bright smile. I was genuinely relieved.
During the break, Fia plans to attend free lessons to learn arithmetic and literacy. She’s diligent, hardworking, and already an excellent assistant at the shop. Honestly, I wouldn’t be surprised if she grows up to be a far better business owner than me.
“Hey, is this the outdoor shop selling compasses?”
“Uh, yes, here’s the compass.”
Just as I was about to close for the day, a man suddenly appeared at the stall. He didn’t look like a novice adventurer. He was in his 30s or 40s, taller than me (an average-height guy), with arms nearly twice as thick as mine. A large scar stretched from his left eye to his cheek, and his sharp gaze was enough to intimidate anyone.
Frankly, his appearance was scarier than most villains from crime dramas back in my world. Struggling to keep my fear hidden, I stepped in front of Fia to shield her and greeted him as calmly as possible.
Stay calm. He hasn’t done anything violent yet—he just looks intimidating.
“This compass, when placed horizontally, always points in the same direction. It’s especially useful in the large forest near this town, ensuring you won’t lose your way.”
“I’ve heard about it. A handy tool, sold for just 2 silver coins?”
“Yes. We keep prices low to make these tools accessible to as many adventurers as possible.”
“Hmm. So, you’re the owner of this shop?”
“Yes, I’m the owner.”
The man sized me up with an intense gaze. My heart was racing. Nearby shopkeepers and adventurers were also watching nervously. Please, if anything happens, someone call the guards immediately—or better yet, just call them now!
“I’ve got a proposition for you. Let me sell these compasses through my connections. Don’t worry, I’ll make sure it benefits you too.”
Was he hired by a rival shop? Or worse, a criminal? I had planned to hire a guard after closing the shop tomorrow, but maybe I was already too late.
“I’m sorry, but I’m not interested in wholesaling my products to other stores.”
“Come on, it’s a good deal. Why don’t you think it over a bit more?”
What should I do? Pretend to consider his offer? No, people like him escalate their demands once you agree to anything. Besides, in such a public place, it’s unlikely he’ll resort to violence. If he wanted to harm me, he could’ve done so with the sword at his hip by now.
“My answer remains the same. I’m sorry, but I’ll have to decline.”
“Tch. This isn’t a conversation for the middle of town. How about we move somewhere private?”
“No. Please leave immediately.”
“…What did you say?”
I was terrified, but I had to protect Fia no matter what. My legs shook as I stepped forward to shield her. Should I grab the hatchet I kept for emergencies? No, that might provoke him further. I had to find a way to escape…
“Hah… hah… You shouldn’t go ahead without me!”
“…Hmph. You didn’t need to come.”
A man, panting and out of breath, ran up behind the intimidating figure.
Damn it, reinforcements? Wait… this guy doesn’t seem as threatening. And the person following him is…
“Hey, Tetsuya. I see you’ve started selling new products.”
To my surprise, B-Rank adventurer Lilia was there. But why was she with this terrifying man?
“Hmm? Why do you look so shocked? Ah, I see. Tetsuya, let me introduce you. He might look scary, but this gentleman is the guild master of the adventurer’s guild for this town.”
“guild master of the adventurer’s guild”