The Rise of the Puppet Master: Ascending to the Strongest at the Fastest Speed with Beautiful Girl Puppets-Chapter 20

The Third Awakening

Eastern Word Smith/The Rise of the Puppet Master: Ascending to the Strongest at the Fastest Speed with Beautiful Girl Puppets/Chapter 20

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Watching the jet-black monster slowly descend to the ground, I gritted my teeth.

—A demon.

It’s a creature from another dimension, different from this world of Alterine.

Commonly referred to as a demon, it's said to inhabit the demon realm.

Its body is composed of dense magic power, and even the weakest demon is said to be comparable to a B-rank monster.

Though sightings are rare, once it appears, it’s said not to stop until it destroys multiple towns.

This monstrosity had suddenly appeared in the middle of this town.

Unsurprisingly, people were in a panic.

“Look, it’s a demon! Run!”

“Run? Where to?!”

“We can’t stay in town! Let’s get out of here, quickly!”

Many fled from the demon in haste.

Those who remained were me, Flair, Tetra, Nord, Elle, Sheena, and the civilians who couldn’t escape in time.

“We have no choice.”

We can’t leave this demon roaming free.

No matter how powerful the enemy, there are times when we can’t afford to run away.

Besides, it’s not as if we’re completely unprepared.

Considering the conditions we have here, it’s not all bad.

One of the troublesome characteristics of demons is their regenerative ability.

Their bodies, created purely from magic, heal almost instantly, no matter the injury.

The only thing that can effectively damage such a demon is the holy power wielded by heroes.

Attacks imbued with holy power can erase their evil magic, preventing regeneration.

And here, we have the hero Nord.

Although it’s irritating to rely on him, given the situation, we need his power to defeat this demon.

I shout toward Nord.

“Nord! The duel is off! Let’s join forces and take down that demon!”

“—Silence! Don’t give me orders!”

“What? Nord?!”

To my surprise, Nord rushes off alone toward the demon.

He swings his holy sword, filled with holy power.

“Ultimate Technique: Demon-Banishing Divine Sword!”

A blinding stream of light surges toward the demon.

The immense, pure-white light, enough to swallow the very atmosphere and envelop the world, strikes the monster directly.

The ground trembles, and dust fills the air from the impact.

Standing before the dust cloud, Nord laughs uncontrollably, barely containing his excitement.

But this is—

“Haha! How about that?! Did you see? This is nothing for me!”

“Idiot! Get out of the way!”

“What did you—gah!?”

The demon, moving with terrifying speed, emerges from the dust cloud and slams Nord in the side with its tail.

Nord’s body is flung into the air and then crashes to the ground.

Perhaps due to the sheer weight of the demon’s blow, Nord was already unconscious.

As for the demon that had taken Nord’s ultimate move—

“It hurt…a little. But this? Nothing. Don’t underestimate me as a lesser demon!”

“You’ve got to be kidding…”

Not completely unscathed; its body has scorch marks as if burned by flames.

But that’s all.

Far from being annihilated, it didn’t even suffer a significant injury.

It seems that even with holy power as a weakness, Nord’s strength was fundamentally lacking.

It’s probably at least as strong as an A-rank monster.

And if its words are to be believed, it’s shocking that this is merely a lesser demon.

The abnormality of demons is evident.

“Well, time to finish you off properly.”

“—! Flair, Tetra! Stall it for me!”

“Got it!”


“…? Interferers will die.”

And thus began the fight between Flair, Tetra, and the lesser demon.

During that time, I grab the unconscious Nord and retreat to a safe area.

Watching someone die right in front of me would ruin my sleep.

“Ike! Is there anything we can do to help?!”

“Tell us anything, and we’ll do it.”

“Elle, Sheena…”

Both of them run up to me, looking determined.

I appreciate their sentiment, but I can’t have them join the fight.

One reason is that I don’t yet know their fighting style.

But more importantly, teamwork in close combat is extremely demanding.

Depending on the situation, I might not be able to protect them both.

Still, if they’re willing to help, there’s something they can do.

“I need you two to guide the civilians to safety.”

“Evacuate them?”

“Yes. Call out to the people who couldn’t get away or those in nearby buildings.”

“What about you, Ike?”

“I’ll… go back and take down that demon with Flair and the others.”

They exchange glances, then nod.

“Understood. We’ll start immediately.”

“I wanted to support you in battle, but alright. We’re off.”

“I’m counting on you, both of you.”

“Right (Yeah)!”

Watching their backs as they run off, I feel grateful to have such good friends.

“Now, it’s my turn.”

I turn my attention back to the battle between Flair and the demon.

“Ugh, it’s strong!”

“…It’s tough.”

“Aaah! Annoying!”

From the looks of things, it’s an even match.

They’re dealing some minor damage from time to time.

They’re definitely fighting differently from the duel, where they had to be careful not to kill Nord.

But even as a lesser demon, it was formidable.

While fighting both of them, it attacks with clawed hands and a long tail.

Noticing, Flair and Tetra quickly keep their distance and dodge.

However, during those brief intervals, the wounds they inflicted begin to heal.

Even the two of them working together are struggling this much.

It’s definitely stronger than that minotaur.


“Urgh, stop dodging!”

I click my tongue lightly.

“At this rate, it’ll be a slow death.”

It’s unclear how durable this lesser demon is, but it surely doesn’t have the kind of stamina that could bring it down in a single fight.

If things keep up like this, we’ll be at a disadvantage as time passes.

But with Nord unconscious, we have no decisive blow.

What on earth should we—


I realize a possibility.

There is someone besides the hero who can wield holy power.

They don’t have the offensive capability to harm the lesser demon, but they could erase it if it were gravely wounded.

The profession capable of wielding holy power is—

“It’s a gamble, but I have no choice!”

I pull out the third puppet sleeping at my waist.

This is my final puppet.

Due to its nature, it’s been used far less frequently than Flair and Tetra.

Naturally, it would still take time for it to gain consciousness like them.

While its stats won’t be any higher, desperate times call for desperate measures!

“Is that… Ike, are you going to use it?”

“Yes, I’m calling out the third! Flair, keep the lesser demon at bay!”

“Got it, on it!”

After instructing Flair, who noticed my actions, I turn my attention back to the puppet.

Please, let this be the move that turns the tide in this dire situation!

I shout with all my heart.

“Come forth—Lycia!”

It was then that I heard it.

“Hehehe… hehehe, hahaha! Oh, oh, oh! How long have I waited for this moment?!”


I let out a stunned sound, my shock overwhelming me.

Standing right in front of me is a young girl.

Golden hair glistening in the sunlight, deep blue eyes like the ocean.

She possesses a beauty that would captivate anyone who saw her.

Wearing a black nun’s habit, she clasps her hands over her large chest, looking at me with an intense, overwhelmed expression.

“I have longed to meet you… my master.”


What is happening?

I’m astonished that she has a will of her own.

But even more, I don’t understand the intense feelings she’s directing at me.

“Eliminate all threats!”

“Look out!”


The lesser demon hurls chunks of earth at us as we stand bewildered.

I pull her into a tight embrace, dodging the projectiles.

“Are you okay?”

“My master protected me… and embraced me with all his strength! Oh, oh! I’d be content to die here and now!”

“Please, don’t die.”

“If that’s your wish, I will stay alive! …However—”

Suddenly changing her tone, she steps away from me, fixing her gaze, full of murderous intent, on the lesser demon.

“For interrupting my time with my master… and for daring to harm him, you shall pay dearly.”

With genuine conviction—and mysteriously, with black flames in her hands—she declares:

“Vile creature lower than insects, I shall destroy you.”

This girl is my final puppet.

The priest-class puppet, Lycia.